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Thursday, June 28, 2007

An ordinary day

A typical Mimi's day starts at 6am. Mimi sleeps in her own cot and in a separate room from us so I only know when she wakes up by her scream or by her cry. In this weather where the temperature is over 30 degree even at night, we have air-con in both rooms: ours and Mimi's so the doors of both bedrooms have to be shut. That's why we can only hear Mimi when she calls us with her loud voice or when she cries. We tried baby monitor before but it didn't work in our appartment. Anyway, back to Mimi's business. When I hear her call, I quickly jump out of my bed and came to her cot. And here she is, sitting in the cot, with the face looking out to the door and when she sees me, she greets me with her sweet smile. Sometimes she may have some tear on her face and look at me with her sulky expression as if she says " Why don't you come earlier? I thought you've abandonned me here". So 1,2,3 out of the cot and into Mommy's lap. In the mean time, Linh is making her milk. She normally just takes 100ml. She lays down, her head on my lap, her feet tapping on the floor, her two hands holding to the bottle and drinks her milk. She looks so relaxing. She sometimes stops drinking and gives us a smile. So sweet. Last week I gave her about 100ml fruit smoothies (avocado, banana, kiwi, or mango - Chew Lee and Yvonne gave me the recipes) but this week she refused to take it. May be she got bored with it. I need to think of different ways to make her eat fruits.
By the time we all get ready to go out of the flat, it's normally already 7-7h15am. Mimi is quite well behaved in the morning. She just hangs around me playing with my make-up stuff while I dress or she goes up and down the flat to discover new objects in the living room and Linh's study room. She specially loves to look at my wardrobe.
Linh drives us to my Mom's house where I drop Mimi and then Linh drives me to work. Mimi will have breakfast there. She normally has a half bowl of porridge or of soup. My Mom and the maid take care her all day until 5h30pm when I'm back from work. They feed Mimi milk twice (at 9h30am and at 3h30pm, about 150ml each time). Lunch is served to Mimi at 12h (normally porridge with chicken, fish, beef, or pork and vegetable). She has a nap after lunch for about 2.5h and then she is ready to play the whole afternoon.
When I come back from work, I or Linh bath Mimi. She likes the water very much but she just hates having her hair wash. She cries and cries until the hair wash finishs and she can sit in the bath tub. She loves putting the soap on her chest and loves using the cloths to clean her neck (hmm, she may mean to "clean" but she really makes a mess after that)
After having a bath, Mimi's ready for a feast. Sometimes when she's hungry, she doesn't stop "mum mum" until I put her in the high chair. But her hunger and her eager to eat is only very short-live. After a quarter of the bowl, she eats very slowly and want to play with the spoon and the bowl. I normally put a plastic bowl and a spoon on her high chair table so she can play with it and can self-feed her self abit (more of what falling out of her mouth on to her clothes and on the floor than what goes in!). If I want to make her finish the whole portion, I sometimes have to take her out of the chair and let her play some thing while feeding her. I know it's bad but I really want her to put on some weight. She's quite skinny now.
While we (my parents, me and Linh) have dinner, Mimi either play alone (hardly!) or she wants to sit with us and use the chopsticks to poke at our meals on the table. Very bad table manner indeed. I don't want to let her do that but my Mom always gives in to her request. I'm so afraid that she will become a spoit girl so I and Linh try to give her discipline. The difficult thing is that we can only do it at our flat, not in my parent's house. I know I know, consistency is the key in discipline but how can I do it when my Mom always want to interfere!
By the time we finish dinner, Mimi is quite sleepy already. So we takes her home to our flat. I change her to sleeping pyjamas, clean her teeth and put her into the cot at around 8pm. I sometime read a book to her. Before she really love sitting on my lap and look at the pictures in the book and listen to my voice. But recently she doesn't like it that much. May be I need to buy some new books then.
After lowering down the light, I say good night, sleep tight to Mimi and leave the room. She normally falls to sleep 5 minutes after that. To set up this sleeping habit, I and Linh had to bear her crying (very very loudly) for a week. She cried as if it's the end of the world. She cried until she spitted everything out and I had to change her clothes and the bed sheet again. She cried for about 45 minutes before falling to sleep because of tiredness. But after 5 days, it's getting better and now for most of the time she can sleep without my presence there.
That is a typical day of Mimi.
At 15 months and 20days, here are Mimi's milestones:

- Weight: 9kg , Height: 77cm,
- No of Teeth: 8 (have been 8 for 4 months!)
- Emotions and Character: emotional, stubborn, very lively (Mimi has so many different face expression)
- Language: Mimi is now able to say quite a few words in Vietnamese. She can say very clearly words like "ca" (fish); "choat" (small), "ao" (shirt), "cuc" (button), "thich" (like), "bo" (daddy), "ba" (grandmom), "ong" (granddad). She can repeat a word after we say it to her (without understand the meaning). But she refuses to say "me" (mommy"! Whenever I ask her to say "me" she says "ba" (grandmom) as if she does it on purpose. .
- Dexterity: Able to walk steadily. Mimi loves walking up and down a step with somebody holding her hand. She can do it 100 times!
- Other gestures : use her hand to pat on her chest when she wants to sleep, goodbye kiss, wave bye bye, shake head for "no" and nodding her head for "yes" when she is asked to do something; pretend to scare people by pointing the figure and shut her mouth tight, staring and make the "hmmm, hmmm" noise (it's so funny when I see her doing this); like to use a clothes to clean the chair, the table, the floor (imitate the maid); and lots of other things...
- She can drink from sippy cup (holding the cup herself). Love eating biscuit (cheesy biscuit with the fish shape) and able to feed herself snack food.
- Diet: 3 solid a day; 300-350 ml of milk ; snacks in between (biscuit, cheese cube, yogurt)
- Sleeping pattern: 8pm till 6am; 2.5h nap during the day (after lunch)

Here is a picture of her taken in Da nang in May. A very big smile, very "Mimi". Keep smiles always on your face, my little angel.


CL said...

Hi Hang,

It's great that finally you can blog now. Welcome to the blogsphere.

etceteramommy said...

I really envy Mimi's ability to be able to sleep on her own. I guess what you did was right. Ryan still co sleeps with us. We're so used to the arrangement that we refused to change anything. :P

As for the table manner, it happens to Ryan too. He likes to play with the chopsticks. I thought it was alright since I was holding his hand all time; and I once blogged about it only to received a comment fr a blogger friend that she read abt a baby who was poked to death by chopsticks. Then on, I never allowed Ryan to touch anything sharp on the table. One of the beauty of blogshere is we share knowledge and info. You should educate your parents about it. They will understand.. :)